
3 V072016 VATS/MICS Scissors (Metzenbaum, Supercut) 4-5 Double Action clamps 6 DeBakey clamps, Harken & Satinsky clamps 7 -9 Slider 90° angled clamp 1 0 Dissector clamps (Dennis, DeBakey, and more) 1 0 Grasping clamps (Duval, Foerster, and more) 1 1-12 Needle Holders 1 3 Supplies Knot Pushers 1 4 Valve Pusher 14 Suction Instrument 1 4 Cardioplegia Needle 1 5 Gauge 1 5 Suction Tube (Nitinol) 15 VATS / MICS INDEX selected clamps are offered with and/or without ratchet to facilitate ease of dissection To meet your specific needs modifications are available upon request. Common modifications include: jaw/tip modifications, ratchet modifications, length modifications, special etching, shaft width / length i Orders: Email: - Tel.: +49 7461 - 9652-0 - Fax: +49 7461 - 9652-50