Press Release


July 20, 2024

August Reuchlen Summer Party 2024

On Saturday, July 20, we celebrated this year's Summer Party at the little city Möhringen, near Tuttlingen, with the Möhringen Nachtwächter. We started in the evening with dinner at the local restaurant "Löwen". Then we joined other participants on the 2-hour historical tour of the town. After returning to the Möhringen town hall, the evening came to an enjoyable end.

#augustreuchlen #summerparty


July 17, 2024

Relaxed networking at the summit meeting

This year's TechnologyMountains Gipfeltreffen took place on July 17, 2024 on the Honberg in Tuttlingen. In summer temperatures, the members of the technology network met for the annual general meeting followed by some networking outside. August Reuchlen Managing Director Karin Gremminger-Trommer (right) and Britta Strobel from our Customer Service Team enjoyed the evening and the interesting discussions.

#augustreuchlen #joinus #technologymountains #network


May 07, 2024

Bye-Bye work, hello retirement!

On May 7, 2024, after 17 years of work at August Reuchlen GmbH in Tuttlingen, we said goodbye to our long-standing employee, Maria Singler, as she took her well-deserved retirement. Ms. Singler has worked in our Customer Service. Not only the Managing Director, Karin Gremminger-Trommer, but the complete team wishes her the best of health in this new phase of her life with her loved ones. In addition, we are happy that Britta Strobel has joined our sales team on April 1st with her many years of experience in sales and her professional expertise.

#augustreuchlen #welcomeatreuchlen


March 28, 2024

Easter by August Reuchlen

Our employees did not have to search long for this year's Easter present 🧐. The Lindt bunny showed up on its own. 🐇
We say goodbye to the Easter break until April 2 and wish everyone a happy Easter!

#augustreuchlen #happyeaster

February 28, 2024

Our speedy has a face now

At the end of February, it was time to give our company car a facelift with our CI. Scanning the QR code and get to your new job!

#augustreuchlen #reuchlentogo

February 08, 2024

The colorful season at August Reuchlen

It was a colorful time in the office and in production. Not just colorful, but tasty too - thanks to the August Reuchlen Berliner and sweets donation.😄

#augustreuchlen #teamreuchlen#fasnet in #tuttlingen

February 01, 2024

"Lights on!" for Arab Health 2024

It was a great success for us to exhibit at Arab Health 2024 from January 29 to February 1. "Lights on!" for cardiovascular, neonatal and pediatric, thoracic and MICS / VATS, spine systems and orthopedics. Made in Germany, Made in Tuttlingen. The next trade fair is coming up in fall, the MEDICA in Dusseldorf.

#augustreuchlen #arabhealth24

January 2024

Photo Shoot portfolio

Our surgical instruments have had a short Christmas vacation and dressed up for their photo shoot  😎.
Little by little, the new pictures of our products will be added to our advertising.

#augustreuchlen #portfolio #medicaltechnology

This was our year 2023

December 08, 2023

Christmas party 2023 "Feast and enjoy"

Our "regular venue", the August Reuchlen Demolager, was the venue for this year's Christmas party. In the festively decorated room, the employees and retired employees were welcomed by Ms. Gremminger-Trommer on the Friday afternoon and then treated to an Italian-style winter barbecue. During her speech, Mrs. Gremminger-Trommer took the visitors on a journey through 80 years of August Reuchlen and informed them about the different stations of the company. All visitors were richly presented with gifts and bid farewell, some of them late in the evening.


December 06, 2023

Reuchlino meets St. Nicholas

Our employees received a sweet treat on St. Nicholas Day.


November 28, 2023

Visit to the conference "Sustainable solutions for hospitals in Slovakia"

Michael Pfersich, Sales Manager at #augustreuchlen


November 2023

New brochures in the last month

We have revised our MICS/VATS and Neonatal/Pediatrics brochures and are pleased to present them: I

#augustreuchlen #portfolio #micsvats #neonatal #pediatrics

October 19, 2023

Today on tour at the Medical Mountians Innovation Forum in Tuttlingen:

Tobias Konrad, Production Manager at #augustreuchlen

#innoforum2023 #tuttlingen #innovation #reuchlentogo

October 2023

Preparations for the trade fair in Düsseldorf are in progress.

At MEDICA you can see what's inside the boxes. Our portfolio:

#augustreuchlen #reuchlentogo #medica

August 2023

Sweet start into the second half of the year

Despite the fresher temperatures, we had a sweet start to the second half of the year with ice cream from a regional supplier. Our management donated to all amployees as many ice cream portions as they wanted. 😃🍦 The delicious ice cream is made here in Tuttlingen in round thirty different changing flavors and, by the way, also tastes great as an ice cream café. 😎

#augustreuchlen #reuchlen80 #workintuttlingen #ice #regional

July 8, 2023

August Reuchlen Summer Party 2023

We celebrated our summer party in our anniversary year with around 35 employees at the Lochmühle Eigeltingen on Saturday, July 8. We spent the sunny noon together with funny farm games on "Be a child again day" and finished the evening with the presentation of the winners including a trophy and a delicious menu.
The final action on that day was the election of our mascots name.

#augustreuchlen #mascot #reuchlino #joinourteam

July 2023

We found a name!

Thank you for your support! Our employees made their choice at the Summer Party 2023 and named our mascot: REUCHLINO

#augustreuchlen #mascot #reuchlino #joinourteam

March 2023

After successful training, Jan Mittelbach stays in the Production of August Reuchlen

After three exciting years, Jan Mittelbach has finished his training as surgical mechanic at August Reuchlen GmbH with success in February 2023. His career will also continue here, a fact that not only Managing Director Karin Gremminger-Trommer but also trainer Thomas Rebholz are very pleased about. With 80 years of experience in the production of medical devices, August Reuchlen GmbH is looking for new employees to join its team.


Goodbye after almost 31 years!

On last Friday, we said goodbye to our colleague, Barbara Kassa, after almost 31 years of company service at August Reuchlen in Tuttlingen. Among other things, Mrs. Kassa was employed by us in the quality assurance department. We wish her all the best for a more peaceful time and, above all, the best of health.

#augustreuchlen #madeingermany #reuchlen80

February 2023

Increase in machinery!

With the band saw Shark NC 5.0 from the company Zimmer Maschinen in Freiberg, Germany, we easily cut the raw material for your products. We look forward to your project

#augustreuchlen #investmentforfuture

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away

Today it's time to recharge your batteries and boost your immune system in the cold, gray season.

Did you know?
Every German eats around 61 apples a year.
There are over 30,000 apple varieties worldwide and around 2,000 in Germany.
It takes five years for an apple tree to bear apples for the first time.

#wellbeingcompany #augustreuchlen

December 2022

The glasses never ring sweeter 

The August Reuchlen Christmas party took place on December 16, 2022. Together with our retirees, we celebrated in our in-house showroom with soup and appetizers. Our managing director Karin Gremminger-Trommer thanked all, also many new employees for their commitment to the company and pointed in her speech to the 80th anniversary of the company, which heralds the year 2023.

#augustreuchlen #reuchlen80 #surgicalinstruments #madeingermany

June 2022

The next truck with relief supplies for Ukraine is on its way. 

Tuttlingen took care of the organization and we would like to thank them very much for letting us be part of this support with a selection of surgical instruments.
#augustreuchlengmbh #helpforukraine #stadttuttlingen

March 2022

"Aid convoy for Ukraine" - Any help is welcome!

With a donation of surgical devices we have participated to the current numerous appeals. We are happy to make a small contribution in this way and we would like to thank Medical Mountains GmbH for the organization.

February 2022

180 years of service - August Reuchlen GmbH honors anniversaries

At the end of the year, the employees of the medical technology company from Tuttlingen, in compliance with the Corona Rules, came together on December 20, 2021, to a cozy winter barbecue on the company parking place. With a glass of glühwein and grilled snacks, the employees not only reflected on the past year, but also celebrated their long-standing jubilees. The managing director, Karin Gremminger-Trommer, presented them with a bouquet of flowers, champagne, a certificate and a cash gift: Arwide Spachholz, Ute Martens (30 years each), Daniela Klotz, Doris Kraft and Vladimir Jakob (20 years each). Senior manager Peter Gremminger looks back on 60 years of successful service to the company.

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