Atraumatic vascular clamps and Cardiovascular surgery
The minimal invasive cardiac surgery has become an advantageous method to the open cardiovascular surgery. We offer our customers a wide range of modular instruments and equipment for various procedures in cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgery. The August Reuchlen portfolio also includes instruments for neonatal and pediatric surgery, for the treatment of newborn, children and young people. Some of our stainless steel instruments are also available in titanium.
Bulldogclamps with fine toothing in standard and mini
insert clamps
thoracic spreaders
Cooley Neonatal clamps
Debakey Neonatal clamps
anatomic forceps
▪ All instruments are surgical stainless steel unless otherwise specified.
▪ You can find the instructions for use for the August Reuchlen instruments here: August Reuchlen Manuals - Downloads.
▪ There is a minimum order quantity for certain products.
▪ The inserts of the insert clamps are only intended for sale in Germany.
Cardiovascular forceps I DeBakey extra delicate Forceps I DeBakey TC Forceps I DeBakey standard Forceps straight I DeBakey standard Forceps angled I DeBakey parallel Forceps I Cooley Forceps I Finochietto Micro Neonatal Thorax Spreader I Titanium Mini Thorax Spreader I Cooley Clarke infant Thorax Spreader I Finochietto Baby Thorax Spreader I Baby-Haight Thorax Spreader I Finochietto Thorax Spreader I Morse blackened Spreader I Morse Thorax Spreader I Karlin Retractor I Karlin Ratchet I Karlin standard Blades I Karlin universal Blade I Karlin universal Other I Karlin special offset Blades I Chaux IMA I French IMA I Carpentier mitral Valve Thorax Spreader I Sternal Blade for Carpentier Thorax Spreader I DeBakey Thorax Spreader I DeBakey Blades for Thorax DeBakey Spreader I Dubost small Thorax Spreader I DeBakey Thorax Spreader I Dubost medium Thorax Spreader I Dubost Blades I Cooley type Blades for Thorax Dubost Spreader I Cooley Thorax Spreader for infants I Birnbaum Thorax Spreader I Ankeney Thorax Spreader I Quervain Thorax Spreader I Container for Dilators I Cooley Dilator I Garret Dilator I Mosquito very delicate Clamp I Holle short ligature Forceps I Holle ligature Forceps I Mixter delicate model Clamp I Mixter Clamp I Harrington Clamp I Featherlight Bulldog I Applying Forceps I Weldon Glover Mini Bulldog I Jacobson Bulldog I Glover Bulldog I Mueller Bulldog I Cooley Bulldog I Mini-Cooley-Glover I Cooley Bulldog I Diethrich non-traumatic Bulldog I Diethrich DeBakey cross-action Bulldog I DeBakey Bulldog I Gregory bulldog I Santulli cross-action Bulldog I Cooley ultralight Clamp I Selman Cooley Clamp I Pediatric blood vessel Clamp I Cooley Pediatric Clamp I Cooley Kitzmiller Clamp I Cooley Martinez Clamp I Cooley peripheral pediatric vascular Clamp I Cooley patent ductus Clamp I Cooley patent ductus clamp I Cooley coarctation clamp large I Cooley iliac clamp I Cooley cardiovascular clamp I Cooley multipurpose clamp
Diethrich DeBakey Bulldog I Diethrich Non-Traumatic Bulldog I Micro Bulldog I Weldon (Glover) Mini Bulldog I DeBakey Neonatal Ultralight Titan Clamp I Cooley Neonatal Ultralight Clamp I Castaneda Neonatal Clamp I Mini-Gregory Clamp I DeBakey Ring Handle Bulldog I Thorax Retractor I Selman Cooley Pediatric Clamp I Cooley Pediatric Vascular Clamp I Cooley Anastomosis Clamp I Cooley Pediatric Clamp I Cooley Spoon-Shaped Clamp I Cooley Clamp I Cooley Derra Clamp I Cooley Kitzmiller Pediatric Clamp I Cooley Martinez Clamp I Kartchner Carotid Clamp I DeBakey Clamp I DeBakey Pediatric Clamp I Dale Clamp I DeBakey Glover Coarctation Clamp I DeBakey Vascular Clamp I DeBakey Peripheral Vascular Clamp I DeBakey Bainbridge Clamp I Gregory Profunda Clamp I Leland-Jones Clamp I Castaneda Pediatric Clamp I Forceps